Henk Claessen - Netherlands

Hello fellow collectors,
My name is Henk Claessen, I am 64 years old and live in Sittard, the Netherlands.
At the age of seven I started collecting match labels. When the children came into my family, the hobby fade into the background. A few years ago I fanatically resumed my old hobby.
I only collect labels, mainly the old (pre-war) labels from the Netherlands, Sweden, Germany and Japan. However, I also have a lot of labels from all over the world. (I think about 150,000 pieces at the moment) Japanese labels are my favorites, even if I can't read a word of Japanese. The early colored letterpress prints are heavenly. I try to translate the texts more often, which is not that easy.
My Japan collection, mostly from the Meiji period (1868-1912), contains around 10,000 labels, including around 700 package labels. The best thing is when I can get labels in an original booklet. These booklets were issued by the manufacturer or used by agents and contain an average of 100 to 400 pieces. I to like search for abnomallities, like wrong spelling, misprints, violation of the copy-right, that wasn’t invented in the early Meiji period.
So, in a pleasant way, I’m quite busy with my hobby.

Collage Belgium, the juggler

Collage Germany, old 

Collage India, elephants

Collage India, numbers

Collage Japan, ladies glass showa

Collage Japan, let the children play, package labels

Collage Japan, military

Collage Netherlands, inventors

Collage Netherlands, panther

Collage Netherlands, queens old

Collage Russia, circus

Collage Spain, caricatures color 1890

Collage Spain, ladies bl. & wh. 20

Collage Sweden for India 2

Collage Sweden for India