Kanishka Malik - India

I am Kanishka Malik an 18-year-old B.tech first-year student of the University Of Engineering and Management, Kolkata. I started collecting matchboxes in Aug-2019. I used to play a lot of video games for a significant amount of time in a day and I was becoming antisocial. One day, I noticed that my father was carrying 3 types of matchboxes with him, so I thought, why don't I start collecting more. After that, I started collecting matchboxes as a collector. The interesting fact is that my father and uncle used to collect match labels when they were my age. I'm fond of Japanese animation and have an interest in the philatelic and numismatic collection.

Horse theme matchboxes,  Country - India,  Year 2017.

Wax matches yellow color theme,  Country-India,  Year - 2018.

Wooden Matchboxes,  Country-India ,Year -  2017.

 Movie theme matchboxes,  Country-India,  Year- 2011 to 2018.

Matchbooks of different hotels , restaurants and inn . Country USA and Mexico  Year: Around 1999.

Matchbooks   of different hotels,  restaurants and pubs. Country: USA Year: Around 1999.

Floral theme matchboxes,  Country - India,  Year 2017.

Matchbox labels,  Country-India , Year- Some are from 2006 and some are from the 90s.

Wax matches of different color theme (Green , Blue and Red), Country-India,  Year - 2018.

Wooden Matchboxes, Country-India ,Year -  2017.

 Bird theme matchboxes,  Country - India,  Year 2017.

 Lotus theme matchboxes,  Country - India,  Year 2017.

Bird theme matchboxes,  Country - India,  Year 2017.

Unopened matchbook ,Country: India, USA,  Mexico.

 Hen/Cock theme matchboxes,  Country - India,  Year 2017.


  1. Nice collection, if you have spare I would like to exchange, I am Narendra Panchal from Mumbai and participate in this exhibition.
